Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

Organized and Productive

Name: Blain Reinkensmeyer
Blog: Stock Trading To Go

More about Blain: 21, unmarried with no kids, lives in Michigan. Two recent accomplishments for me personally would be getting my blog mentioned by a writer over at which is a larger financial news site, and getting a new blog design done. I am a blogger on financial education and the stock market, and part-time I run a ice hockey program for toddlers ages 3 - 6 that teaches them how to skate and play ice hockey.

I have been aching to share this as really your writings have helped to transform my daily life.

1. What has been your most successful habit change so far? What inspired it?

My most successful habit change so far has been with organization and productivity, going from a eight-hour work day to a four-hour workday where I accomplish twice as much and feel 10x better about myself.

I work out of my home when I am not in the ice arena, so for me it is very easy to get distracted by checking email, social networks like facebook, reading other blogs, etc. I used to wake up say at 10 AM, waste some time, then do some work, waste some more time, do some more work, and before you know it was 6:00 PM and I had not accomplished much beyond a post or two and talking to some friends online.

But now, I have a daily task list on a pad of paper, all of my goals short- and long-term written on a whiteboard, Google calender keeping track of all important dates and events, and a active mindset of “work now, play later”.

What inspired me initially was reading Zen Habits. I first came across the blog maybe two months ago and loved the simple lists compiled. I don’t recall the exact post but one got me thinking about my day and how I was really just wasting my time. Once I got started I was inspired by the simple realization that I could do this, that this was feasible.

2. Tell us about how you made it a successful habit change?

first started by writing down my goals, what did I want to accomplish? For me my core focus was on organization and productivity, and my original list was such:

~Create a daily task list of “must do” work and other errands or small tasks to accomplish later.
~Get done with “must do” work FIRST, and get it done by 12:00 PM noon, monday - friday. Use ~Saturday and Sunday for relaxation.
~Wake up earlier, 8:30 a.m. every day.
~Write down all of my goals and habit changes with dates.
~Be more grateful.

I set some of my goals beyond what my mind thought was attainable because I was trying to manifest what I wanted my day to be, not what I thought was possible in my mind. After writing down my goals I started at it that day getting a pad of paper to write tasks, setting my next day alarm for 8:30 a.m., dating my original goal list, etc. From there it became trial and error.
I quickly found out that going to bed at 3 a.m. and waking up at 8:30 was tough, and over time I’ve fallen into a habit of going to bed at say 1 a.m. and waking up at 9 a.m. Alongside this, the daily task list was a success right from day one, and now I just get up, turn on my computer, and go at it until my core tasks are accomplished.

Just that mindset alone removed three hours off my day at least, for a while I was getting done at 12:30 almost every day. To cut this down further I wrote down (so I would commit) alterations such as, “no email or web surfing until noon monday - friday,” and “no checking traffic stats until bedtime”. It is amazing how well writing everything down works versus just “saying it to yourself”, and there have been a handful of days now that I have gotten everything done by noon and start laughing at myself because I think, “what do I do now?” Needless to say it is a great feeling!

The last piece for me was gratitude which is more a mental side goal for me, and when i wake up, go to bed, eat a nice meal, see a good friend, etc. I always try to take a moment to say thank you to the world / universe / God. It keeps my mind strong and in the right place, and I found that the more I am thankful the more I receive each day.

My Tips For Success:

~Write everything down on paper, and don’t forget to date it.
~Don’t procrastinate, start NOW and not later.
~Don’t get upset when something goes wrong, learn from your mistakes.
~Reward yourself when you do something right.
~Push the mind’s limits, don’t cut yourself short on goals.
~Keep motivated with anything that reminds you of your goals: pictures, letters, quotes, etc. all work great.

3. Have you used the success from one habit change to be successful with another?

Yes, the discipline habit has probably lead to the most positive changes. I used to have a habit for example to drink a can of pop almost every day, and for over a month now I haven’t had a drop of it as I stopped drinking it all together :).

4. How does it feel to be successful with these changes? What changes have you noticed in your life?

The biggest change has been in my mind and body. I start my day being grateful, positive, and motivated, and I end it feeling grateful, positive, and accomplished. I noticed I am a lot more organized how I go about even the simpler tasks of my day, and overall I feel great all the time. I actually have so much extra time now on my hands that I’ve started to read books and take walks. This has lead to new goals that before would not even be possible such as read a book a week, and take a walk every day. When I look at myself even three months ago I can’t believe how much has changed … I feel like a brand new person.

5. Where do you go from here and what have you learned from all this? Any words for our readers?

Dream big, you CAN do it! What it comes down to from my experience is simply, “How bad do you want it?” I truly believe now that the world is limitless and you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. Remember to start NOW, not later. Procrastination is a killer, and saying to yourself, “I will do this tomorrow” is about as good as not doing it at all. Imagine where you want to be, write it down and date it, and go at it.

Looking ahead now my the big goal plastered all of my room is to become a full time blogger by my 22nd birthday (next May). I absolutely love sleeping in when I can, getting my work done in my comfortable clothes, and having the freedom to do whatever I want, when I want. I found my passion in promoting financial education and independence, and to be able to full time blog to help thousands of people achieve their financial goals through investing is my dream job.

That’s about it from me! Thanks so much for inspiring me to change.


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Simple, Bright, Devoted, Patient, Downright, Taking a fancy to good everything and correctness, peaceful love and like the friendship. Life [is] deed. If doing a kindness hence well got result for what given [by] God of us.... Try so that to be better and pray, so that protected and loved [by] God.....
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